Books and talks that combine history, mystery and true crime

The Nightingale Shore Murder
'Not only is this book a fascinating account of Florence's life and death, it also contains interesting historical perspectives on the contemporary events during the Victorian and early post-Victorian era. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in murder mysteries and true-crime stories ... it's a great read.' The Currier, Spring 2012
'Great book, well worth reading. Once I started I could not put it down. There is a twist in the tale but I won't let on what it is.' Adrian F Davies, on Amazon
'I was completely hooked by the end of page one. I am a true crime enthusiast but knew nothing of nursing - that didn't matter. The story is brilliantly told and the nursing elements are very accessible and interesting. A great read.' TruecrimeNE
This book was featured in the BBC's Who Do You Think You Are? magazine in August 2012.

"Petticoat Government" - The Story of the York Home for Nurses
'Thank you so much for your book. It is just superb. What a wonderful record of the Home.
It is so fascinating to read the letters and records from our time at the Home and to understand better some of the great difficulties there were in the management and day to day nursing of the Home and the work.' Sister Mary Julian, Community of the Holy Cross